Inspiration Stories
In my early forties, I came into some money. I met with an advisor from one of the big banks. I told him that I was very risk averse and wanted to preserve my capital.
After answering a few questions, he gave me a portfolio of half short-term treasuries and half guaranteed investment certificates. Had I been shown the analytics that this portfolio would barely grow at all in twenty years, I would have gladly accepted more risk.

Peter, Health Care Professional
Like many workers in the oil fields, I lost my job when the price of oil collapsed. I thought I could count on my financial investments to support my family and tide us over. Little did I realize that my portfolio, like my profession, also had a large exposure to the energy sector, and suffered heavy losses. This double whammy has hit us hard. I need to be more proactive and ask questions about my investments, and never let that happen again.

Karl, Petroleum Engineer
When the price of oil started to nose dive in 2014, we asked our consultant from a large global firm what our fund’s exposure to oil was. We were told that we had some energy names in the equity portfolio, some credit exposure to energy in the fixed income portfolio, and some infrastructure projects in energy. But what the net exposure to oil was in the total fund, we did not find out.

Pauline, Pension Fund Investment Committee Member
My portfolio lost a lot of money during the financial crisis of 2008. I had only invested 40 percent in stocks, and to this day, I am still amazed that this 40 percent investment had such a big impact on the rest of my portfolio. I'd like to see an explanation.
Eleanor, Private Business Owner